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Home - Elvin


The products range of the company ELVIN, Ltd. consists of wide scale of wound parts for electronics and electrical engineering…


The preconditions for fulfilling company ambitious strategy objectives is the ability of self-reflection in products…


To produce coil products the company possesses 34 coiling machines of foreign and domestic origin.

About us

The company ELVIN is manufacturing and business association that has been operating in electro technical industry since 1994. Since setting up the company has gone through several development changes. In 2001 the new manufacturing hall was build; the company production and capacity of the company have been extending constantly. The chosen assortment of manufacturing coiling parts enables us to build the net of foreign and domestic buyers. The product quality orientation and consumer satisfaction and loyalty direct us forward to the extension of productivity.


The preconditions for fulfilling company ambitious strategy objectives is the ability of self-reflection in products quality control area as well as in well technically equipped supervisory workplace. Individual workplaces have high standard of control mechanism and control devices available.


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Panasonic Electronic Devices, s.r.oVýrobca spotrebnej elektroniky

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KRAINTEK s.r.o.Priemyselné čistenie

EAS Europe s.r.o. je vedúcou spoločnosťou v oblasti elektronickej výroby. Cieľom je poskytovanie služieb najvyššej úrovne pre firmy pôsobiace v elektronickom a elektromechanickom sektore.

EAS Europe s.r.o.Elektronická výroba